CJ Reeves
Commission Chair

As of October 11, 2023, CJ was elected as the American Legion War Memorial Commission (ALWMC) Chairman to oversee the reserving of the Veterans Gallery and the Meeting Rooms. He volunteers at the ALWMC every day for six hours after his daily shift at the SFVA also for six hours as the VA Ambassador to meet and greet patients, employees and visitors. This is in addition to his current role as Provost Marshal for the California Department of AMVETS, Adjutant for his DAV Chapter 16 and President of the San Francisco Veterans Lions.
For the last five years, CJ has been appointed as the first ever Cathay Post 384 Poet Laureate. He continues to publish in the Post’s monthly newsletter, Cathay Dispatch and is a prolific contributor to every edition of Veterans’ Voices, which is a military writing project since 1952. In addition to being the Post 384 Second Vice Commander, CJ is also the SGT@ARMS for the American Legion District 8. Initially appointed by past District 8 Commander Lum, he continued under District 8 Commander Wong, and was reappointed by Commander Lum again this past July 2023. His role requires participating in the District’s Flag Retirement Ceremony held annually with American Legion District 26.
A true Veteran’s Vet, CJ has participated in over 600 military funerals. He’s a member of the US Volunteer’s Honor Guard, which gives final honors to our Veterans in the Bay area – 12 of them in month of July alone. He was adamant that the Veterans are saluted with TAPS on the bugle in the Final Salute tribute of which he has participated in over one hundred ceremonies.
A few of his accolades include 2019 SFVA Volunteer of the Year, 2020 SFVA 24/7 Volunteer, 2021 SFVA Volunteer of the Year and 2022 Post 384 Legionnaire of the Year and 2022 California Department of AMVETS Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) Awardee. In July 2024, he was awarded the coveted Legion of Honor (Legion d’honneur) medal by the USV. He is only the third recipient of this prestigious award. With over 25,000 Volunteer hours under his belt of which 10, 000 of those hours during COVID-19 from March 2020 to September 2021. He continues to actively volunteer fulltime.